Facade of building lit up at night.

”Designing is a multi-faceted form of art in which creative and technical solutions are applied to create a space into a beautiful and functional environment. It’s not just about selling the space or décor, it is about selling the experience as well. The creativity it can exhibit is endless.”

Hotels & Resorts

NML Resort Site Survey & Studies

The sand, sun and sea. All elements of fun as we survey the site of a new resort. Sans bikinis, we actually enjoy the sun bath.

Working with the best team!

NML Resort Brain Storming Work Session

Incubation of ideas for a stunning resort. Endless flow of concepts and unlimited creativity to design the best for the best.

Maldives Lagoon Resort

We never stop thinking!

NML Resort Presentation Meeting

Knowledge in motion, creativity at its best! Champions play as one.

Maldives Lagoon Resort

One team  |  One mind  |  We go far together.

NML Resort Meeting in Progress

Intense and productive meeting. All in a hard day’s work.

If it is not cutting edge, there is no point to designing at all.

NML Resort Coordination Meeting

What seems to be impossible to achieve are done in a meticulous manner of coordination.

The details are everything to make the design work!