Facade of building lit up at night.

”Designing is a multi-faceted form of art in which creative and technical solutions are applied to create a space into a beautiful and functional environment. It’s not just about selling the space or décor, it is about selling the experience as well. The creativity it can exhibit is endless.”

Chinese Buddhist Temple


Pray & tell

The project occurs under the task of creating ‘a temple for the future’ using modern materials which feels both spiritual and accessible, generating a modern religious institution to revitalize the spirit of the community.

The design directions are considered and methodical, but never losing the innate sense of openness. Lacquered wood cladding, sweeping roofs, vaulted ceilings, textured walls, and tapestries that tell a story showcase all the accents in the spaces for quiet reflection and prayer.

By superimposing new values ​​on building types that tend to be caught up in fixed ideas of religious facilities, it induces usage that is different from before, and from this, new values ​​are born and overlapped again.

Chinese Buddhist Temple
Chinese Buddhist Temple
Chinese Buddhist Temple
Chinese Buddhist Temple